Wednesday, August 22, 2012

All day at work, both Travis and I felt the same.  When will 2 o'clock arrive?

We met at the doctor's office.  I was already in ultrasound when he arrived.  My right ovary looked good, it did last time. Perfect timing for Travis to walk in while she was just about to look at the left ovary. I needed his support. 

Two large empty follicles remained on the left side.

The doctor left the room for me to get dressed and meet her back in her office to review the options. The anxiety I had felt leading up to this appointment! Two rounds of the Nuvaring, 7 weeks leading up to find out if we could move forward or have to wait longer. To discover it was still not primed, I could not hold back the tears. Okay, got that out. 

Sat in the doctor's office and she gave us two choices. Neither sat right with us. 

The weight of the decision felt physically heavy. So unclear.  Should we take the steps to make things look as good as possible and then try? Or move forward with about 12% less room in my ovaries for new follicle growth? Is it that much of a risk since I stimulated so well last time? Which is choice is better? Will we regret  one choice over the other?

She stepped out to consult with the nurse. While she was gone, I took the opportunity to cry again. Okay, got that out.

The doctor came back in with a third option; leaving the Nuvaring in for another week, taking it out, having my period, and then coming back for a baseline ultrasound. By then, the two empty follicles should have shrunk to a more manageable size.  As soon as it was presented, Travis and I both felt a peace. Not just peace but joy. It does not include additional medication and we are not settling. 

As our doctor walked us out, I turned around and hugged her.  She is so sweet.  She looked at me right in the eyes and said, 'It's gonna work this time. You are going to get pregnant.' I never get tired of hearing her say that. It's her job. I get it.  But she means it in her eyes and she says it with much compassion. That's what I love about her.  She treats me as an individual, works the best plan for us, and really cares.

Travis and I left much lighter than we went in.  So much so, we played hooky for the rest of the day from work (Travis' idea mom! he he he), came back home, swam in our pool (the pool we rarely use!), taught Ben to walk in to the first step of the pool, gave him a bath, and then headed to one of our favorite places, church. 

We have a plan.  The plan looks and feels good. The egg retrieval and implant will take place the end of September as all goes well. We would know before our 8th wedding anniversary on October 10th that we are pregnant. What a great way to spend our anniversary! One day at a time, Lauren.

Interesting how sometimes it hurts too much to look beyond today, and other days I want them to hurry up and come.  It's the process. That's life sometimes. Please don't judge me. 

A calendar, like last time will be posted once dates are more firm. 

Thank you for all the love and prayers!


  1. Whoo hoo! I was going to call you and realized it was late. So glad there is a plan in place.

  2. Sounds like a fabulous plan! Sending lots of love and prayers! xoxo
