Not what we wanted to hear!
My ovaries have not quieted down enough. So much so that I need to continue with a new NuvaRing (birth control) for 3 weeks. Ugh! What? No! That sucks.
Not only that but after the three weeks, take it out, have a period, call in my 'Cycle Day 1' to the office, wait five days, have our consult appointment, ten days after that, start stimulation. So we're looking at the middle-end part of September for stimulation. End of September, first week of October for retrieval and implant.
Here are the facts:
My right ovary is still about 1/4 full of follicles.
My left ovary is 3/4 full of follicles.
Birth control stops the growth of new follicles.
The only thing that shrinks the old follicles is time.
If we did IVF right now, new follicles would grow, but only so many and only as big as there is room for; so having old follicles take up so much room is no good.
More waiting.
We really thought we would get a green light this appointment. We needed to move on. Staring at each other waiting for the next phase of this thing is getting old. Sad.
Laying on the table, looking at the monitor reminded me of what a great cycle I had last time and it really bummed me out all over again that I ovulated early. Everything looked perfect.
Now I have to take the anti-nausea medicine again that makes me super sleepy on top of cold medicine because I am still feeling sick. Listen, I am not happy about any of this!
I am not in the mood to be cheered up right now. I just need a moment to be bummed and upset. This journal entry today is me venting and that's okay because I need to process.
To see God in the middle of the waiting. Not to waste this time complaining. Tomorrow will be better.
I hope you are feeling better, but you are right. It sucks. Plain and simple :( I'm sorry the news wasn't what you were hoping for, my dear. Sending lots of love and hugs <3